Forward Tilt By Praxis

01 - What is Forward Tilt



How do you find top level talent? You look for forward tilt.    You look for the people who are so excited by opportunities that they lean across they table when they talk about it. The type of people who physically manifest their excitement.    People with forward tilt don’t shy away from opportunity. They lean in. They are eager, ready, and excited about new challenges.   If you're setting out in your career, your attitude matters as much as your skills. As long as you bring excitement and a bias for action to the table you can learn everything you need to know once you start.    In this episode:  What is forward tilt?  Who is this podcast for?  Do you have forward tilt?  How can you develop forward tilt? How forward tilt helps you build the life you want to live ------------- Forward Tilt is presented by Praxis. If you're a young person with forward tilt and you're ready to learn real-world skills while apprenticing at a startup, go to