Forward Tilt By Praxis

48 - Babies Don't Baby Step



We call it baby steps when you take small guarded steps forward. But babies take the exact opposite approach. They flail, take big risks, and learn as they go. When babies start crawling they don’t cautiously ease their way into it. They get up, fall down and crash into things. They’ll walk off the top of the stairs if you don’t have it blocked. Only once they take risks do they develop the skill needed to be more precious and safe. But they would never gain that skill if they didn’t take risks initially. The same is true for learning in adulthood. We want it to be safe, to ease our way in, but the best way to learn is to do what babies do and just go for it. In this episode: - Babies take risks, not guarded steps - When you start anything, don’t ease your way in - The power of taking big swings - We learn by taking “real” baby steps For a free copy of Forward Tilt: An Almanac for Personal Growth go to