Marketing My Brand Podcast With Jenny Collinson

08. Unpacking Toxic Baggage with Relationship Coach Lisa Fourre



When you've been in any toxic relationship, be it with a partner or a family member,  it helps to have a coach or mentor who's been through it as well. Today's guest has the added bonus of being refreshingly honest. Lisa Fourre, relationship coach, mentor, and author, helps survivors of toxic relationships, now in their midlife, get past their past and develop healthy connections with her no nonsense approach. She has coached women in all phases of their personal lives to accept what wasn’t working, decide what is best for them and take steps to achieve it.  She has spent 20+ years confronting mental and emotional abuse from different people in her life including parents and an alcoholic ex-husband. She used this time to study their behaviors, understand their logic, and learn how to help others overcome the toxic cycles abusers exhibit and  draw us into.  Lisa emphasizes truth over harmony during her coaching sessions because her clients have had  enough lies and placation in their lives.  Lisa is the foun