Free Teacher Pd

Episode 004: Foster Creativity and Innovation with Digital Storytelling (1)



Welcome to a new episode of Free Teacher PD. Today we will feature teacher-trainer extraordinaire, Mr. Jerry Swiatek and his topic: Part 1 of Foster Creativity and Innovation with Digital Storytelling. As educators, most of us recognize the importance of helping students develop their creative and innovative abilities. One really fun, interesting, and useful way to do this is with digital storytelling, where students use digital tools to create and share their own stories. In this episode, we'll discuss specifically how digital storytelling can be used in the classroom. Digital storytelling provides an excellent way for students to tell who they are, share their experiences, and reflect on what they've learned. Jerry will also share some of the many web tools available to help make digital storytelling a breeze. Kids love to be creative and share stories about themselves... Digital storytelling is the perfect way to let them do it!   Let’s get learning!