Communication Untangled

The Director – A Communication Archetype



This episode kicks off a 4 part series about the communication archetypes, and which category you fall into! She describes various communication issues that people can find themselves running into as a result of not knowing the archetypes of the people who surround them, and talks about how just being aware can shift these conversations to make them more meaningful, productive and effective. She also has a quiz you can take! Stacie references personality tests, and explains that communication archetypes are similar in a way to the personality tests, but there are also differences. She lists out the 4 major communication archetypes as The Director, Strategist, Influencer and Connector. While the Director and Strategist are more task oriented, the Influencer and Connectors of the world are relationship focused. She breaks down the Director for our listening pleasure. She begins by stating that Directors are often C.E.O's, and tend to live in the realm of fact. They like to get in, get the conversation over quic