Star Trek: Romulans Bearing Gifts

RBG #11 Message in a Bottle [VGR] 4.14



When I requested more away missions, this isn't exactly what I had in mind. 51462 (2374): Welcome to Romulans Bearing Gifts One One featuring Tom, Caitlin, Carl, Cat, and Eric. Join us as we delve into Tom's pick: Voyager Season 4, episode 14, Message in a Bottle. Let the banter begin! Seems like we can't stop talking about Enterprise. In the last quarter of the show, the eternal Star Trek: Enterprise debate rages on between Carl and Eric. In canonical OR 'Saucer Section' episodes of this show, the original 3 hosts take turns choosing a random Star Trek episode from any era/series for the group to digest and discuss. This is a canonical OR MORE ACCURATELY, 'Engineering Hull', secondary crew RBG. WARNING: This discussion contains miscellaneous The Original Series, The Animated Series, The Next Generation, Deep Space Nine, Voyager, Enterprise, and/or classic SPOILERS pertaining to Star Trek. If you are 100% spoilerphobic to new & classic episodes not yet seen, do NOT complain to us. This episode is most