Star Trek: Romulans Bearing Gifts

ProgNeg #34 Star Trek Beyond



Our captain will come for us. Mercy will be the last thing on his mind. 2263.2: It's Prognosis Negative Three Four featuring Tom @chewywater, Caitlin @walshcaitlin, Carl @robominister, Katrina @xanister, and Eric! Join us as we delve into Justin Lin's Kelvin Timeline debut, Star Trek Beyond. Dive in and discover if we go type O Neg or Pos! This is a non-canonical ProgNeg. WARNING: This discussion contains miscellaneous SPOILERS pertaining to the film(s) discussed and possibly Doctor Who! If you are 100% spoilerphobic to films not yet seen, do not complain to us. This episode is mostly negative (though often that is a misnomer) and contains EXPLICIT terms, concepts, and as always expect strokes of innuendo throughout. LINKS: Star Trek Beyond trailer #3: Star Trek—Romulans Bearing Gifts: Prognosis Negative Patreon: DISCLAIMER: This episode was originally recorded July 31, 2016. Danny 'Pudi' of Community fame. COMING SOON: ???   To the Enterprise... and