Fortunes And Families Podcast Network

Stop Deligate Outsource | Brett M. Judd MSW | From Barriers To Break Through



It is an easy and egotistical thing to get into - "no one can do it like I can". While that might be true, it is no way to succed in life or in business. There is a lot of talk about the 80/20 rule.  It is the same in deligation and perfection.  Maybe you can do it 100% perfect 100% of the time, but if you outsource it and get 80% and you can focus on what you really need to do to get you further ahead. Bret M. Judd MSW discusses the power of deligation when moving toward your success.  Learn to leverage others for your good and you will quickly move From Barriers To Break Throughs. Brett is a mindset success coach how brings his clients to break through momnet when they stop self limiting beliefs and habit and begin to live a care free abundant life.  Brett has the ability to help you see where you have locked onto and held succees robbing beliefs and gives you the tools to move through them and find unlimited otential. To work with Brett and to get started in your own break through moments go to www.BrettMJ