Something For The Drive Home




Important informations. During yoga teacher training we all had a really good laugh when the only guy in our class of ten was like 'Wot's a queef?' with a genuinely bewildered expression. To be fair, he's British, and maybe it didnt quite translate. A few days later he and I were working on our teaching and he was talking me through shoulder stand. For one moment, picture how amazing this is. I'm practicing yoga in Bali with a totally hot young Brit and I'm holding shoulderstand without a wobble. I'm so in the zen, it's unbelievable. In a word, life is perfect. Then, on the way down when I'm dropping my toes down toward plow, I feel that sucking of air and allow myself the merest hint of panic. Surely the universe isn't that cruel. I continue to come fully out of shoulder stand...accompanied by the loudest queef you've ever heard. I'm crushed. I turn bright red. Kyle looks stunned. There's a moment of silence - in honor of the death of my pride, I think. "Did...did you just fart?" "Noooooo." I ended up expla