Biotechnology Focus Podcast

Discovering biomarkers and new potential therapies | 091



Welcome to another episode of Biotechnology Focus radio. I am your host – Michelle Currie – here to give you the lowdown on the Canadian biotech scene. This episode I will be discussing how new biomarkers found in maternal blood could prevent stillbirth, a new therapy for patients with partial spinal cord injuries, an investment from the Government of Canada, and Inversago closes their first series A financing round.   +++++  Researchers from the University of Alberta suggests new biomarkers found in maternal blood may help prevent stillbirth.  David Wishart, lead author and professor in the Department of Biological Sciences says, “When we started analyzing the blood of women who experienced stillbirth and compared them to healthy women, we noticed there’s a chemical difference. This suggested that we could predict and potentially prevent stillbirths.”  Using a mass spectrometer, Wishart and his colleagues identified four chemicals that showed up repetitively in mothers who experienced stillbirth. Co