Awesome Astronomy

Extra: AstroCamp Spring 2017



A teaser for the weekend stargazing under the über dark skies of the Brecon Beacons International Dark Sky Reserve at this spring’s AstroCamp. We’ll take you through the events and activities which turn beginners into experts and fill up the eyepiece of those who are already experts – and, of course, whet your appetite for this friendliest of starparties! Whether you’re joining us in the Welsh village of Cwmdu on the weekend of 22-25th April or not, we’ve included a seasonal sky guide of our favourite night sky objects to dazzle and amaze you visually or astrophotographically: Ralph The Leo Triplet of galaxies The Needle Galaxy in Come Berenices The Great Globular Cluster in Hercules Paul Spiral Galaxy, Messier 94 in Canes Venatici Double star Cor Caroli in Canes Venatici Globular Cluster M3 in Canes Venatici The Coma Star Cluster in Coma Berenices Messier 53 Globular Cluster in Coma Berenices Damien The King of Planets, Jupiter 2 rare AstroCamp comets in Hercules, Tuttle-Giacobini-Kresa