Call It What You Will Salinas

Part 2, District 1 City Council Candidates Discussion



This was our most difficult episode to date, as we gave ourselves the task of attempting to interview two guests at once, that are in competition for office.  We probably shouldn't have tried to host a discussion in only our second month, but this race is important and we hope that our attempt to have a serious discussion on this race helps to inform you.  Furthermore, we tried to ensure the discussion was accurate and so we asked to verify points that we thought needed to be checked.  This added to the time it took to publish both parts of this episode, but we hope you enjoy the finished product.  We definitely found areas we need to improve on if we ever attempt to do an episode like this again.  Our thanks to our guests, Jose Castaneda, and Brian Contreras, for providing information when asked to clarify statements.  We hope this clears up any confusion you might have from listening to the discussion.   Points of clarification in this episode: It was said by Mr. Castaneda that the City manages the money of