Call It What You Will Salinas

Call It What You Will - Jyl Lutes



We are finally back in 2017 with a new episode!  We talk to Jyl Lutes, schoolteacher and longtime City Council member here in Salinas.  Jyl is a wealth of information on how our local City Council and School Boards operate because of her time there and we try to fit as much as we can into just one hour.  We talk a bit about the hard work that goes into being a member of the School Board and why traffic is so rough around many of our schools.  We touch on the unique situation Salinas has where we have many school districts and a City Council that has to find ways to work together, not always efficiently.  Jyl gives us insight into what goes on in an average week for a City Council member.  Because of her time on the Council, hear about the good times and bad that Salinas has gone through due to the tough economic times Salinas has faced at times.  We briefly had a technical difficulty at about the 39 minute mark and we lost about a minute so hang in there with us because we talk about the difficulty of buildin