Call It What You Will Salinas

Call It What You Will



Listen in to an informative discussion on the challenges Salinas faces keeping pedestrians safe.  Many know about the crimes that occur, but Salinas also has a high rate of pedestrians killed in collisions.  MacGregor Eddy, whose local column, "We Could Car Less," joined the show along with Steve Kennedy, recent member of the Salinas Traffic and Transportation Commission.  They inform us on the reasons for too many deaths that have occurred and what are some remedies to make our roads and sidewalks safer for pedestrians and vehicles.  Steve fills us in on the issues the Traffic Commission would address and the need for community involvement to make sure that problems are not overlooked.  There is a lot to hear about this episode, listen in and find out ways to be safer out there on the road when driving and on the sidewalk when you're out for a stroll.   Like our page and share this episode if you enjoy it!