The Fluent Show




In this episode, I am answering a listener question from Leandro. I'm going through a really hard time on learning languages. I'm a Portuguese native speaker and I'm learning English and French. Most of time I'm really motivated learning English, because I love British 19th century literature and I fancy reading all the books in English. My level is not that bad, I guess. But, most of time I'm so unmotivated to learn French and keep with my daily studies. Sometimes I get so frutrated I want to burn all my materials of study out. I have two questions: how to handle with frutration? And how to get better at pronunciation by myself? Ready to hear my answers? Then tune in! Leandro's good practices with English: You have a very clear thing that you love and enjoy in the target language - English 19th century literature You can picture a goal, a situation that feels possible to you - reading all the books in English You are feeling fairly confident and you don’t struggle with self doubt - like you say, your level