The Fluent Show

Can Helpful Notes Cut Your Reaction Time in Conversations?



This week, I am on a listener inspired quest: Is there a set of language learning notes that can make you better at speaking another language? This Fluent Show episode brings you a discussion of the science of cognitive load, working memory, and long-term memory...all in the quest for finding the best notes ever to use in conversations. Show Patrons can read the detailed show notes now over Patreon! ( The truth is that there is absolutely no set of notes that will make the reactions faster because as soon as you focus on notes, you’re slowing down. A script comes closest. The purpose of notes in a conversation is to deal with the fact that you’re too busy to add more into your long-term mmory. That’s why it’s important to ask your tutor to note the new vocabulary, or to scribble or type it yourself for later review. So what you want is a good blank page and the discipline and habit of reviewing what came at you in that conversation. Thank you to Jacqueline for this ep