The Fluent Show

Keep Saying YES To a New Language



It is difficult to learn several languages together. You may forget some, you may lose some, BUT hey you’re learning more than one language. In this Q&A episode I answer a question from the wonderful Elizabeth: When did you know you were ready to start Mandarin? And how do you keep your Welsh healthy, happy and well-fed? What does a two language study routine look like for you? In my answer, I'll take you on a trip through my language love life featuring English, French, Italian, Latin, Spanish, Polish, Icelandic, Luxembourgish, Welsh, Russian, and Chinese. 6 Tips for Starting Another Foreign Language Tip 1: Teach your previous language. That way you will never lose it and you’ll actually get extremely solid knowledge. Tip 2: Keep saying YES, don’t worry so much about losing skills or levels. It's all part of life. You can get them back really quickly whenever you need to. Tip 3: Use that interference when it comes up - it's your brain helping you with extra vocab. Tip 4: Get to a point of “solidification”-