The Fluent Show

Back from Hiatus with 5 Ways to Set Your Language Goals for 2021



Hi!!!! The Fluent Show is back! How was your 2020? Can you believe we had 200 episodes of Fluent Show? I mean wow. WOW. In this episode, I'll be reflecting on the big themes of last year and giving you 5 ways to set your language goals for 2021. * Set your Vision Goal first * Build around milestones for the year * Commit to recording over planning * Put the joy and the experience first * Work with micro-challenges As always, patrons of the Fluent Show will get a copy of my full show notes for this episode. Curious? Join the Fluent Show's Patreon community. ( Thank you to Israel for this episode introduction. Thank you for listening to the Fluent Show! If you enjoyed this episode, please consider supporting the show by leaving a review in your podcast app or becoming a member of our Patreon community