The Fluent Show

3 Lessons Podcasting Has Taught Me About Life and Languages



Welcome to episode 213 of the Fluent Show. Yes, that's a pretty high number! I've been a podcaster for 7+ years now, and in this episode I look back on why I believe podcasting is wonderful, and what it has taught me about life and languages. I'll be focusing on 3 lessons: Consistent improvements and the joy of curiosity Podcast creation isn't about cranking out perfection. It's about having fun and capturing fun just by being yourself. Just like languages, the magic is actually in the journey and not the result. Teamwork, trusting, and daring If you have a vision, you're allowed to be into it and to truly pursue the goal that you are aiming for. You are not on a schedule. You can just dare to go for it, just like that. Being myself, speaking like me, and learning how to communicate well Over the years, podcasting has taught me how to become more comfortable with the sound of my voice and the way I express myself. In conversations, I have learnt invaluable skills about listening, prompting good answers, and