Lainey Gossip Sasha Answers

Is It Your Mother-in-Law … or Is It You?



Welcome back to What's Your Drama. We kick the podcast off by chatting about some Hollywood relationship drama. That's right! Katie Holmes and her new chef bf as well as Demi and her now ex-fiance, Max. Did you guys hear Demi's new song she dropped yesterday? Oohhhffffff. It came out after we recorded the podcast, I wish we could have talked about it because it's one helluva heartbreak song.Then we get into YOUR drama!First we hear from "A" who is torn about her new COVID romance. It seemed to be going well but then it quickly went to sh*t. They barely talk anymore but “A” wants to know if she should still try to make it work.  Then it's on to "Destiny" who really comes in strong with some drama between her and her new mother-in-law. Lainey and I were taken aback but we had to come quick with a reality check. Sorry in advance, Destiny, but dude, you're wayyyy in the wrong here.We end on "V". She's pregnant, hormonal, and feeling very insecure. She did some snooping on her husband and now she's walki