Discography Discussion

Episode 193: Amon Amarth - Discography Discussion



Do you folks like Vikings?  Hopefully you do because this week we grabbed our swords and axes in order to get in the mindset to truly enjoy Amon Amarth.  Buddy “Doomhammer” Reno joins Dan and Joe to uncover the mystery of one of the most consistent bands we’ve ever discussed on the show.  Is Viking Metal just Melodic Death Metal?  Can genres be determined by their lyrical content alone?  You can decide, but it’s all true. #discussmetal #AmonAmarth Join our Patreon: Discography Discussion on Patreon - http://bit.ly/discussmetalpatreon Discography Discussion Podcast Homepage - http://bit.ly/DiscographyDiscussion Subscribe to RSS - https://podcast.discussmetal.com/feed Buy a Shirt on Teespring! - http://bit.ly/DDTeeSpring Join the conversation on Discord - http://bit.ly/discussmetalDiscord Facebook - https://www.facebook.com/Discographydiscussion Twitter - https://twitter.com/discussmetal Instagram - https://www.instagram.com/discography_discussion Listen to Discography Discussion on Spotify - http://bit.ly/di