Discography Discussion

Discuss Metal Episode 033: John Amos of Attalus



John Amos of Attalus joins us this week to talk about the band’s Vinyl release, history of the band, how they hooked up with Facedown records and what ultimately ended up happening with the band.  Not a conversation to miss! #discussmetal Join our Patreon: Discography Discussion on Patreon - http://bit.ly/discussmetalpatreon Discography Discussion Podcast Homepage - http://bit.ly/DiscographyDiscussion Subscribe to RSS - https://podcast.discussmetal.com/feed Buy a Shirt on Teespring! - http://bit.ly/DDTeeSpring Join the conversation on Discord - http://bit.ly/discussmetalDiscord Facebook - https://www.facebook.com/Discographydiscussion Twitter - https://twitter.com/discussmetal Instagram - https://www.instagram.com/discography_discussion Listen to Discography Discussion on Spotify - http://bit.ly/discussmetalspotify Discography Discussion on Apple Podcasts/iTunes - http://bit.ly/discussmetalitunes Discography Discussion on Google Play - http://bit.ly/discussmetalgoogleplay Listen on Stitcher - http://bit.ly/