Discography Discussion

Episode 205: Entombed - Discography Discussion



This week we head over to Sweden to talk about some classic Entombed records, and, you know, those other Entombed records...  Entombed helped pave the way for so many Swedish death metal bands in the 90s.  Did they lose their touch along the way?  Bring out the buzzsaws, and let’s find out on this episode of Discography Discussion. #discussmetal #Entombed Join our Patreon: Discography Discussion on Patreon - http://bit.ly/discussmetalpatreon Discography Discussion Podcast Homepage - http://bit.ly/DiscographyDiscussion Subscribe to RSS - https://podcast.discussmetal.com/feed Buy a Shirt on Teespring! - http://bit.ly/DDTeeSpring Join the conversation on Discord - http://bit.ly/discussmetalDiscord Facebook - https://www.facebook.com/Discographydiscussion Twitter - https://twitter.com/discussmetal Instagram - https://www.instagram.com/discography_discussion Listen to Discography Discussion on Spotify - http://bit.ly/discussmetalspotify Discography Discussion on Apple Podcasts/iTunes - http://bit.ly/discussmetal