Above The Basement - Boston Music And Conversation

Episode 150 - Ghost GRL



Our first visit to the Boston Music Awards a few years ago was an eye opener and introduced us to many new and established Boston Artists we had not yet seen or heard. That was in the earlier days of this podcast.  At one point, a lone musician with a guitar took the stage and began playing. Gianna Botticelli (aka Ghost GRL) stopped us in our tracks. With her haunting, ambient guitar and ethereal voice, the entire room paid attention.  It took us a few years to finally get her on ATB, but we did it at the right time as she just released her third album Rewired and we’ve been listening to it ever since we first heard it.  Assuming this Corona Virus pandemic burns out and we survive the zombie apocalypse, Gianna is about to tour on the album.So go to ghostgrlmusic.com to see where she will be over the next few months. (girl is spelled GRL with no 'i').