Leon Fontaine Podcast

Receive God's Leading



The One Quality Needed to Receive God’s Leading January 10, 2021 Drive-In Service   Matthew 13:10-17 1) We and we alone have dominion over our hearts, and its attitudes and beliefs. These are the factors that determine its hardness or softness to God. A hard heart is insensitive and even resistant to God. The seed that fell on hard soil lost the quickest. 2) When we reject God’s process we reject God. To reject the word of God is to reject the God of the word 3) A heart that does not trust the goodness of God interprets the Word of God to support and justify its opinion 4) Repentance is the one quality you need which is to have a change of mind. 5) Understanding the kingdom is a capacity of the heart not the mind. Therefore that which affects the heart can alter our perceptions of what we actually hear and our understanding of what we hear. 6) It is the heart that decides whether we are understanding of his word or confused by it because we won’t let go of our own opinions 7) A heart that believes