Leon Fontaine Podcast

Persuading the Heart



January 31, 21 Drive-In Service   Hebrews 11:1-3 2 Corinthians 4:18  _________ 1) Understanding that faith is a process 2) We have to start with the fact that God loves us and has a great plan for us, He only wants the best for us 3) Faith is of the heart if it is going to change the reality you don’t like into the things you desire 4) We must get our beliefs and our speech in line with God‘s word. These three things are crucial and must be in harmony to operate in the God kind of faith 5) When your heart is persuaded your thinking and emotions will be in line with God‘s word, this is a sure sign that you are in faith 6) Confessing God’s word has two steps:  - persuading your heart with God’s word - speaking and releasing faith into your world which manifests the promises of God.   Persuading your heart takes as much time as you need to days, weeks, months or years   7) To speak God’s word in faith isn’t to get God to move it is simply to access what God has already given and provided   8) Doubt is