Arcane Radio

Christopher Balzano - Paranormal Investigator / Author / Podcaster - Arcane Radio



Join me as I welcome writer, researcher and podcaster Christopher Balzano to Arcane Radio. Christopher is the current host of the podcast 'Tripping on Legends' and has been documenting the unexplained since 1994. He is the author of several books about regional hauntings, especially in the Bridgewater Triangle of Massachusetts. Christopher has also captured stories of everyday people who have accidentally allowed spirits into their house. He has been mentioned in more than a dozen other books, often called in to offer insight into a specific case. Christopher has been involved with several media presentations, including Paranormal State, Ghost Adventures.and the Spooky Southcoast radio show. His newest book 'Haunted Florida Love Stories' will be released in mid-September. Phantoms & Monsters Homepage - Phantoms & Monsters Fortean Research Team - Chicago & Regional Winged Humanoid