Arcane Radio

Kitsie Duncan | Paranormal Investigator, Researcher, Author | Arcane Radio - Jan.15.2021



Join Lon as he welcomes Kitsie Duncan paranormal investigator to Arcane Radio on January 15th 2021 at 9PM Eastern. Kitsie Duncan has been investigating the paranormal for over 12 years. She investigates differently than most, Kitsie goes in with love, light, peace and positivity and helps the spirits tell their stories. As host and lead investigator for Oddity Files, Kitsie Duncan has sought the paranormal in some of the most interesting haunted locations. In her recently released book, "I'd Rather Talk to Dead People", Kitsie shares her experiences. She is also the producer and lead investigator for the TV Oddity Files on Amazon Prime. As well as the co-host of Oddity Files the podcast, co-hosts the true crime podcast Miss Murder, and hosts the Get Scared Podcast. Phantoms & Monsters Homepage - Phantoms & Monsters Fortean Research Team - Chicago & Regional Winged Humanoid / Flying Entity Sightings & Encounters - https://www