Your Power Echoes with Juleskal

The Best Place online to Find Targeted Prospects and How to Turn them into Buyers



This is the Kalungi Group Podcast series "Your Power Echoes" brought to you by Julie Syl Kalungi of Liverpool Northwest UK. In today's episode, we talk about: "The Best Place online to Find Targeted Prospects and How to Turn them into Buyers/Business partners" It is not as hard as some gurus would have you believe. Visit Blog for more details. The thing is, when you start a business especially in the Network Marketing space, you probably will come from I am super excited to build this thing and I am going to crush it and make a million dollars in two ticks... To I have no idea who to talk to, nobody wants to listen to me, this thing doesn't work etc etc. And that Is your biggest challenge. A lack of interested people to talk to ad share your business with , enough to have a constant flow of leads and sales. Tune in to this episode to understand what that means for you and How you can Shift and transition from a struggling, starving artist aka marketer to a real time entrepreneurs attracting