Just My Opinion With Spiritual Studd & M.t.

It's Election Time



Hey Fam, We know that this election has been a mess. So much hatred exposed and perpetuated towards each other that we don't know who our friends and family are anymore. The level of ignorance and hypocrisy shown to the world has exposed our system of democracy to those in other countries who oppose it. Our system looks very flawed and in some cases ridiculous because it allowed someone who has no idea of how the system works to rise and possibly be the next President of the United States. The question has been asked in these countries that have a dictatorial system: "Is this what you want?" We have to ask, "Is this what we want other countries thinking of us? But more importantly, we as a country can no longer remain in a dreamlike state. We are more divided than ever and a divided "anything" cannot stand. We must be willing to be healed. If we are truly the United States, then we must find a way to become united again. So please vote. By the time some of you hear this, the election will be over and the deci