Advice From Hanna Podcast

Season 1 Ep 45- Holiday Feature-Mental Gym Ft Cory Chadwick



Welcome to Day 5 of 12 of our Advice From Hanna Podcast Show Cory Chadwick is a super proud dad, husband, and founder of The Personal Greatness Project and The PGP Mental Gym. He’s passionate about helping good people be great and become who deep-down they’ve always believed they can be, so they can live inspired, impactful lives and help make the world a better place. Cory believes we each have huge amounts of untapped potential inside us, and we simply need the right tools, system, guidance and community to realize it – and when those pieces come together, amazing things happen. You can find him here: IG @ThePersonalGreatnessProject Email Have you entered our contest? Fill out the survey at the end of the 12 days for a chance to win the following; 1 year membership from the 60 Minute spritiual reading from @carlucho34 7 day meal plan from @glowlistica Accessories from @hughsie.sisters Toque from