Watkins Media

Chris Nelson on Living in the Urban Jungle and Calming the Mind



Listen to this podcast with author Chris Nelson, including a short mindfulness meditation. Chris is the author of Wake Up and Soar, published by Watkins. The core tool SOAR has its roots in ancient wisdom and is expressed as a modern-day 'practice' to help us move from our 'normal' fear-based state of mind to our 'natural' calm quality of mind, where we accept life as it is and therefore flow with her, rather than against her. S - Slow down O - Observe inwardly and connect with your breath A - Accept all that is arising without judgement R - Relax deeply and sense your inner peace of being. Chris Nelson is also the founder of the Ashiyana Retreat Village in Goa, India, which embraces a holistic and personalised approach to wellbeing.