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The Hidden Connection to Finding Greater Peace! Discover the Mosaic! Daniel Bruce Levin



If you’ve ever wanted to see more clearly and feel more whole and at peace, then do we have the mosaic show for you. Today I’ll be talking with Daniel Bruce Levin, author, poet, businessman, and mystic, a former monk and former business director of Hay House, and the author of perhaps my favorite fable ever, “The Mosaic” We'll talk about finding peace by rediscovering our connection to something greater and learning how to see clearly again.  Key Points Discussed: How many times have you walked away from everything and walked towards yourself? Connecting to the beast of passion and living in the moment instead of running away from it How did you handle the competing interest within you that could have torn you apart? The reason why Daniel was set up How the horrible consequences of having an affair unfolded into the greatest gift for Daniel How to establish connection in a world where nobody can say how they actually feel and where people don’t listen to each other How to pour out enough of the cup to liste