Farm On

FARM ON #23 - Designing for resistance with the BEEHIVE DESIGN COLLECTIVE



Ever heard of Mesoamerica? I'll be honest. I was clueless about the place until I stumbled on the work of today's guest. Mesoamerica is a cultural and geographic region that forms a thin land bridge (or isthmus) between North and South America and the Atlantic and Pacific Oceans—and is one of the most biodiverse areas on the planet. Mesoamerica is also a Mega-development free trade disaster zone. A conduit for extractive industries from global South to global North. A monopoly board for international banks. A justification for CIA profits thanks to the ongoing so-called War on Drugs. A militarized zone. A roulette wheel where corporations spill blood for bananas. Mesoamerica is caught between the trade winds of the dark North cloud that rains down violence, toxins, and cultural thievery - and the hurricane of the climate-changed South that rips through already marginalized communities, opening the door for disaster capitalism. The global East spews a typhoon of mass production, while a whirlwind of dispo