Farm On

FARM ON #25 - Reflecting on reflections with MELISSA COLEMAN



Imagine the scene: it's 1968, and you make the brazen decision to move with your soon-to-be pregnant wife to the country where you build a simple house from trees you cut down by hand, with no power tools. You then raise three children with no electricity or running water, subsisting on a system of vegetable plots that are innovative in the way they harness the innate power of nature. On these 60 acres you become a hero of the Organic movement by teaching apprentices, authoring pivotal books on growing methods, and even creating your own custom handtools that are sold as your signature models decades later. If this bio describes you, then you are ELIOT COLEMAN. Now, imagine that your first daughter, born in the midst of this Back To The Land story and raised on the 60 acres of rugged Maine coastline utterly disconnected from modern society, decides to write a tell-all memoir about her experience, drawing from memories as young as infancy. The book tells of the timeless Summer afternoons, the joyful cycles o