Shaykh Riyadh Ul Haq

Envy: The Inferno Within Part 3



Envy: The Inferno Within Part 3 Delivered by Shaykh Riyadh ul Haq on Friday 6th March 2020 at Al Kawthar Academy, Leicester Video: This three-part series details the causes, effects and how an individual can safeguard themselves from falling into the sin of envy. The third part of this series first focuses on the ill effects envy has on the envious person and his victim, as well as the incompatibility between envy and īman. A remedy for envy is then identified to be dropping it like burning coal. The brain is likened to a car and modern science is quoted on how controlling one’s thoughts can have a physical effect on the brain. A second remedy identified is praying for the person envied. It is emphasized that the dunyā cannot make us happy and examples are given of people having wealth and leadership but still committing atrocities due to their inner turmoil. It is also emphasized that Allah's distribution in the dunyā was never meant to be equal but that it is the Hereafter