Shaykh Riyadh Ul Haq

Traits of Hypocrisy Part 7



Traits of Hypocrisy Part 7/7 Delivered by Shaykh Riyadh ul Haq on Friday 31st January 2020 at Al Kawthar Academy, Leicester Video: This seven-part series details the different types of hypocrites and their various traits. The dangers of adopting these traits is emphasised so that the believers identify and avoid them. The final part of this series lists some of the remaining traits of hypocrisy. The first of these discussed is laziness in ‘ibādah. It is explained how a munāfiq prays for show and emphasis is placed on being devoted as believers during prayer, while not treating it as a burden. Secondly, the traits of poisoning the minds of believers and encouraging others to sin are discussed. The psychology behind why we prevent others doing good - especially in families - is explained. Comparison is made here regarding people with personality disorders (PDs) who pull others down to not feel alone in their inner turmoil. The PD’s projection of guilt and projective identificat