Shaykh Riyadh Ul Haq

Five Traits of Hypocrisy - A Commentary on the Prophetic ﷺ Ḥadīth



Five Traits of Hypocrisy: A Commentary on the Prophetic ﷺ Ḥadīth Delivered by Shaykh Riyadh ul Haq on Friday 14th February 2020 at Al Kawthar Academy, Leicester Video: Various traits of hypocrisy are understood at face value. However, many of these traits stem deeper than their outward appearance. This talk aims to explore the roots of these traits and what believers should do to avoid them. The talk starts by enumerating five traits of hypocrisy from two main ḥadīth on the topic. Lying, being the first of the traits of hypocrisy, is placed in the wider context of the person being false of character – of which speech is just a part. This, as opposed to ṣidq, which denotes the person being true, something praised in several verses of the Qur’ān. It is shown how lying can cause a person's character to become false and the consequences of lying are described as being destructive. This includes destroying relationships, barakah and reducing ones blessings in trade. Worldly gain fro