Linnean Learning

Linnean Podcast #34: Field Recording Archives - An Animal Soundscape



Sounds are used by animals for a large variety of purposes, from finding prey and recognising mates to communicating with each other about food, threats and territories. Many animals, from mammals, birds and fish to insects and numerous groups in between, use acoustics, vocalisation and other ways to make and hear sound. It is without doubt that sound is an important driver in evolution, but has often been overlooked in taxonomy for the simple reason that it does not preserve well in traditional natural history collections. We still wonder what the song of the dodo would have been like. With increases in video and sound recordings of animals and the study thereof, sound plays an increasing role in distinguishing between different species. Thus, in this age of extinction the recording of animal sounds has never been more important. What you are about to hear is a number of field recordings, all collected for the purpose of evolutionary research. Some of the sounds you will hear are from bats, birds, cicada