
Top 5 Movie Endings of All Time (with Jacob Meeks)



The success of a film often depends on its ending. Imagine if The Shawshank Redemption didn't end with Andy Dufresne escaping Shawshank Prison and sailing away with Red. Or imagine if the original Planet of the Apes movie didn't end in such a shocking fashion with Charton Heston discovering he's actually been on earth all along. For the first time in a year, I talked film with someone else on the podcast. My guest today is Jacob Meeks, one of my oldest friends and fellow movie lover, and we discussed an impossible topic: our five favorite movie endings of all time. Our lists contain films from some of the most talented filmmakers of all time - Christopher Nolan, Alfred Hitchcock, David Fincher, John Carpenter, and so many more. A big thanks to Chasing Dreams for "Magic Sky", the intro and outro music for this podcast. You can find a link to all of his work on Soundcloud and Youtube. If you're enjoying the podcast, be sure to follow the Twitter account @barabbaspodcast. And if you're interested in supp