End Chronic Pain Now

Question: Why are you still in pain after all the treatments, procedures and medical practitioners?



This is the question I want asked by all those suffering in pain to all those who are treating them and unable to reduce their pain or return them to a normal functional lifestyle? People continue to suffer with no sight of ending their pain or getting their lives back. They put time, effort and money toward this effort and nothing gets done, in fact it continues to get worse. I talk to people daily who think they are alone in this situation. They must be told that they are not alone; they are in fact part of the majority. Cumulatively, people must ask the medical establishment why is nobody getting better and what should be done to end this nightmare. The very sad answer is that most people are getting misdiagnosed simply by entering the medical establishment. As soon as you enter the system, you are asked to get an MRI and told that what ever is found on the MRI is the cause of your symptoms and requires treatment. This is the greatest fallacy every perpetuated on people in the area of medicine. You get t