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Why the x-ray will never truly identify whether a joint is bone-on-bone!



If you have hip, knee or shoulder pain, chances are you will be getting an x-ray to identify the cause. There is a high probability that you will be told that you are bone on bone and that you require a joint replacement. What you have to know is that these tests can not confirm whether you are bone on bone. This is a lie perpetuated by the medical establishment. They can only tell you whether there is decreased joint space. But to identify whether you are truly bone on bone, the only method is to physically look at the range of motion of the affected joint. If there is a major loss of range of motion and at that point it feels like the range is being stopped because a bone is hitting another bone, that is the only presentation that can be accepted as being bone on bone. The Yass method is the only method that uses an interpretation of the body's presentation of symptoms to proper identify the cause of symptoms. It is the only method that can identify all potential tissues. Muscular causes cannot be identif