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Sciatica: Not from the spine, impossible! Learn why!



Sciatica does not come from the lumbar spine; Period! You are being mislead everytime you get an MRI and it finds a structural variation like a herniated disc, stenosis or pinched nerve at the lumbar spine and this is promoted as the cause of sciatica. The sciatic nerve does not attach to the spine. The sciatic nerve begins at the gluteal region and ends at the back of the knee. Irritation of the nerve must occur somewhere along the path of the nerve. All of your are right who say that they don't have back pain and can't understand why they are being told the cause of sciatica is coming from the lumbar spine. It is a fraud, a sham! In almost every case, the cause of sciatica is the result of the piriformis muscle in the gluteal region impinging on the sciatic nerve after it strains. It is actually a muscular cause creating a neurological symptom. Surgery or any procedure to the lumbar spine will do nothing other than increase your symptoms. It is time to get the right information regarding the cause of