End Chronic Pain Now

Lower back pain: Almost always from muscle, Learn why!



Don't get a back fusion and then regret it after your pain remains or is worse. Most back pain is muscular in nature. The body presents the symptoms to help to understand not only that the cause is muscular but which muscles are responsible for the lower back pain. The Yass method ignores MRI test results because the structural variations found such as herniated discs, stenosis and pinched nerves can be found in as many people with no pain as with pain. These tests can also not identify muscular causes. So a muscle in spasm at the lower back will never be identified and if stenosis or a pinched nerve is, the wrong tissue will be treated and this can go on for years. This is the reason why so many people are still in pain after years of treatment and multiple practitioners. 22 million Americans addicted to prescription pain medication is no accident. Don't get another opinion from a person who holds the same belief as the person giving the first opinion that the MRI is the key to identifying the cause of you