End Chronic Pain Now

Trust must be earned by those treating chronic pain. Right now, they don't deserve it!



Trust has been given to medical practitioners for hundreds of years simply because they wear a white coat and passed medical school. In the area of chronic pain, this is not enough. The system is broken and unrepairable as long as the MRI is the primary way a diagnosis is derived. If a medical practitioner is willing to accept this method as the way to identify the tissue emitting the symptoms and base all treatments on this diagnosis, then they simply don't deserve trust and in fact should be questioned as to how they can accept this with every bit of evidence pointing to the failure of its usage. www.mitchellyass,com drmitch@mitchellyass.com The Yass method does not accept the MRI as the gold standard for diagnosing. In fact, it hopes to replace it with its approach of interpreting the body's presentation of symptoms to identify the tissue eliciting the symptoms just as the body had intended it to work. The system has been presented in book form, through Youtube videos, on Facebook and shortly in on-li