Cosmocápsula Goes Amazing

Episode 2 Gamma By Wole Talabi



This is our first episode in English and also our first featured science fiction audio short story: “Gama” by Nigerian author Wole Talabi, a story about childhood, friendship and survival: About the author: WOLE TALABI is a full-time engineer, part-time writer and some-time editor with a fondness for science fiction and fantasy. His stories have appeared or are forthcoming in Lightspeed magazine, Terraform, the Imagine Africa 500 Anthology, Futuristica 1, Omenana, Liquid Imagination, The Kalahari Review, and a few other places. He edited the TNC anthology These Words Expose Us and co-wrote their recently staged play Color Me Man. He currently lives and works in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia. He likes interesting flow simulation problems, good stories and goes scuba diving whenever he gets a chance. You can find him on Twitter – @wtalabi – and at “Gamma” was originally published in the Kalahari Review in April 2014. ---- For a list of episodes, browse: