
Collective messages from Disability Service Providers across Australia



"I'm not shaking your hand mate, I don't care who you are." This is one of the quotes that stuck in my mind, as I was producing this episode you are about to experience. It's a response from a client who was interacting with a Chief Executive Officer from an Australian Disability Service Provider. The CEO acknowledged "that sometimes you just got to stop and reflect, so that we can be reminded that when we need to do things rightly, advice can come from people we wouldn't normally expect." No matter what business you are in, I believe there are many takeaway messages that you will relate to, with this episode. My takeaway message after listening to this episode is that organisations are responding quickly as situations are continuingly changing. There are hopefully now less boxes to be ticked before things can be approved. Right now, it's all about being responsive when creating innovative ways to support people. Whist at the same time continue to listen to the people who are being supported. I would