Podcasting 101

Social Media Marketing 101



Social Media Marketing is the name of the podcast our guest Michael Stelzner is from, so of course we talk all things Marketing in this episode of Podcasting101. Are spreading the word of your podcast across all social media platforms? Also, how important is the written blog in the world of podcasting. Michael says that's easy, your podcast feed is already a blog...use it! Social Media Marketing has been out for just over a year and already has over a million downloads. It's averaging 21,000 downloads a week now. If you're looking for those types of numbers than I suggest you sit back, relax and enjoy the next 45 minutes! Oh, take notes if you'd like, I did! Thanks for all the downloads everyone! Just counting the downloads from our first FULL Month, you've helped us get over 9,100 downloads! That is amazing! Thanks so much for spreading the word via your social media outlets, it's helped a lot! Also, for all of you have subscribed via iTunes and written such nice things I thank you! For well over a year now