Podcasting 101

S4E7 Giving a Voice to the Voiceless w/ Dave Jackson & Elsie Escobar



Dave Jackson returns to the podcast to discuss the different ways people include their personal lives in their podcast. We also chat having a healthy balance between podcasting and the rest of your life.  Once Dave takes off... we bring in Elsie, who is coming down from the mountains and into civilization. Just ignore the dog in the back ground... for she's calling from the road and we are doing a live broadcast so all quiet like studio stuff is thrown out the window for this episode.  Elsie talks a bit about the 2017 changes at Libsyn. She doesn't announce a Stat's app... but we threaten to spread the word about it anyway. We also talk about the Power of Podcasting and How it's changed each of our lives!  Dan Evans, Cohost of the Deconstructing Dad podcast (yes... it's part of the Monkey Poo Studios family of podcasts) and Courtney Caulkins of the Quadcast Podcast join in on the discussion, while Neighbor Cole from the 7 Days a Geek podcast (yes... this one is part of Monkey Poo Studios too) moderates the ch