Podcasting 101

S4E8 Dark Angels and Pretty Freaks 101-Podcasting 3 Years Later



In this episode of Podcasting 101, Neil and Annaleis join me to talk about the wonderful world of Podcasting. From building a great community of listeners and friends to sharing not only the fun day to day events in their lives, but also the sometimes scary and tragic and very personal events in your life as well. Neil and Annaleis are a married couple who shares their world with the world, and your world is better for it. Listen as they take you on a quick trip to target, or maybe even to Jamaica! I hope you enjoy this episode of Podcasting 101. I'd love some feed back about the show! You can tweet to me (Jason the Angry Ginger) at @MonkeyPooStu or @Podcaster101. Thanks for listening! ...and to those that support the show over at Patreon.com/monkeypoostudios you rock as well! -AG